MVC 3 and Stored Procedure – part 3 – Final

This part I am going to show you how to delete and update the information of item.

IV. Detail Student

This will help us to get the detail of student.

1. Stored Procedure

2. StudentDAO

V. Delete Student

1. Add View Delete

First we have to take a look again the Index View

The id name stuID. This name will pass to the Controller to solve the problem we want to do. So the name I use here is ” stuID => In the controller we must use this name too.

+ We see here the argument pass here name stuID.

Add View

2. Stored Procedure

3. StudentDAO

4. HomeController

5. Run

VI. Update Student

1. Get List Class
1.1. Stored Procedure

1.2. ClassDAO

2. Update Student
1.1. Store Procedure

1.2. StudentDAO

1.3. HomeController

1.4. Add View

1.5. Edit View

1.6. Run

5 thoughts on “MVC 3 and Stored Procedure – part 3 – Final

  1. Thanks for the tutorial, Nguyen Dung.
    I tried to follow the steps in your tutorial but got stuck when creating the DAO class. If you are able, can you please email me the source code for parts 1, 2 and 3. My email address is


  2. Hi, Thank so much for the tutorial, please I need a favor, Could You send me a example using MVC3 with N-ier using Business object, business layer, data layer and presentation alyer. Thank for your time my email is

  3. Hi, Thanks for this post i tried but edit is not working properly the classid is set to always zero moreover when i update it is telling object reference error can you help please . can you send the project to my email.. My email is

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